Fresh greens at Davis Park

It’s one of Anchorage’s lesser-known farmer’s markets; a cluster of tents and tables that pop up in Davis Park every summer weekend.

There, you can buy luscious greens and fragrant fresh vegetables from local Hmong gardeners. They grow their wares in home plots and community gardens around East Anchorage. Gina Her, who helps organize the weekly market, said it’s a popular stop for members of her Hmong community. Other shoppers are pulled in by the sight and smell of homegrown produce.

“It’s convenient,” said Darren Williams, who lives in Mountain View and stopped by the park to pick up some greens Friday afternoon. “It’s freshly picked, it’s not flown in.”

Fresh produce for sale at Davis Park.

The Davis Park farmer’s market is open Thursday-Sunday through Sept. 27


The market is open Thursday-Sunday through the end of September, Her said. Look for the biggest selections on Saturdays and Sundays, and prepare for creative communication, since many of the gardeners speak little English. Luckily, the smell of fresh green onions is the same in any language.

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